I'm Abhay Singh. I live in New Delhi, where I help grow digital businesses.

I hold a BBA from Drexel University and an MBA from Rutgers Business School, and I specialize in digital marketing and advertising. When I'm not working, you can find me working out, swimming, or going for walks with my dogs. I also love tinkering around with programming - in fact, I first picked it up as a hobby and ended up using it to simplify my work life.

I believe in always innovating and learning new things, and that's why I created this website - to share my knowledge and insights about digital analytics, automation, and productivity. I'm passionate about automating the boring stuff in my work life so that I can claim back my free time and focus on what really matters.

On my website, you can expect to find tips and tricks for boosting your productivity, as well as tutorials and resources on programming and digital marketing. I want to show my visitors that there's more to life than work, and that automating your work life can make a huge difference. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something useful here!